EINZ NW-50 | EINZ Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a built-in pull/push action that allows the blade to slide across the workpiece, ensuring a clean cut surface.
  • It can be cut to a variety of sizes to suit your needs.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure (MPa) integrated: 0.39 to 0.49
Shape: Straight blade
Depth (mm): 129
Height (mm): 116
Action: Pull (Max 5mm)
Cutting capacity (mm) ABS resin: φ5.0 (19.62 (MM2))
Cutting capacity (mm) Soft resin: φ5.0 (19.62 (MM2))


EINZ Việt Nam | Einz Mini Air Nipper, Body, Straight Blade MW1157239

Thương hiệu: EINZ
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It has a built-in pull/push action that allows the blade to slide across the workpiece, ensuring a clean cut surface. It can be cut to a variety of sizes to suit your needs.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has a built-in pull/push action that allows the blade to slide across the workpiece, ensuring a clean cut surface.
  • It can be cut to a variety of sizes to suit your needs.
Specifications in detail
Air pressure (MPa) integrated: 0.39 to 0.49
Shape: Straight blade
Depth (mm): 129
Height (mm): 116
Action: Pull (Max 5mm)
Cutting capacity (mm) ABS resin: φ5.0 (19.62 (MM2))
Cutting capacity (mm) Soft resin: φ5.0 (19.62 (MM2))


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