EINZ VFILP-S-5-P12 | EINZ Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • You can select the type of suction pad to ensure reliable suction.
  • The body is made of resin, making it extremely lightweight.
  • Aluminum body (VFIL1-S) 15g ⇒ 7g (53.3% lighter)
  • It can be attached directly to the connecting fittings of the jungle gym.
Specifications in detail
Series: Small
Mounting connection: φ12
Height (mm): 51
Stroke (mm): 5


EINZ Việt Nam | Einz Adsorption Resin Tool, Small MW3889975

Thương hiệu: EINZ
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Liên hệ
You can select the type of suction pad to ensure reliable suction. The body is made of resin, making it extremely lightweight. Aluminum body (VFIL1-S) 15g ⇒ 7g (53.3% lighter) It can be attached directly to the connecting fittings of the jungle gym.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • You can select the type of suction pad to ensure reliable suction.
  • The body is made of resin, making it extremely lightweight.
  • Aluminum body (VFIL1-S) 15g ⇒ 7g (53.3% lighter)
  • It can be attached directly to the connecting fittings of the jungle gym.
Specifications in detail
Series: Small
Mounting connection: φ12
Height (mm): 51
Stroke (mm): 5


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