EBISU ED-45N | EBISU Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Comes with flat plastic side caps to prevent damage to building materials.
  • The 6-wire vial can measure gradients of 1/100 (1 minute gradient) and 2/100 (2 minute gradient).
  • It comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.
  • It is very convenient as it comes with a precision adjustment mechanism.
  • The measurement reference surface has a V-groove, allowing measurement of pipes, etc.
  • It is luminous and stores light in bright places and glows for several minutes in a dark place.
  • The horizontal bubble tube comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.


  • For horizontal and vertical measurements.
Specifications in detail
Length (mm): 450
Height (mm): 51
Thickness (mm): 19.5
Magnet: None
Body color: Silver
Bubble color: Green
Precision: Within ±1.00mm/m = ±0.0573°
Sensitivity: 0.35mm/m = 0.0201°


EBISU Việt Nam | Ebisu Diamond Basic Level (Silver) 450mm Aluminium Super Level Basic MW4105257

Thương hiệu: EBISU
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Features: Comes with flat plastic side caps to prevent damage to building materials.The 6-wire vial can measure gradients of 1/100 (1 minute gradient) and 2/100 (2 minute gradient).It comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.It is very convenient as it comes with a precision adjustment mechanism.The measurement reference surface has a V-groove, allowing measurement of pipes, etc.It is luminous and stores light in bright places and glows for several minutes in a dark place.The horizontal bubble tube comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.
Applications: For horizontal and vertical meas...
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Comes with flat plastic side caps to prevent damage to building materials.
  • The 6-wire vial can measure gradients of 1/100 (1 minute gradient) and 2/100 (2 minute gradient).
  • It comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.
  • It is very convenient as it comes with a precision adjustment mechanism.
  • The measurement reference surface has a V-groove, allowing measurement of pipes, etc.
  • It is luminous and stores light in bright places and glows for several minutes in a dark place.
  • The horizontal bubble tube comes with a magnifying lens for easy viewing.


  • For horizontal and vertical measurements.
Specifications in detail
Length (mm): 450
Height (mm): 51
Thickness (mm): 19.5
Magnet: None
Body color: Silver
Bubble color: Green
Precision: Within ±1.00mm/m = ±0.0573°
Sensitivity: 0.35mm/m = 0.0201°


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