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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Far infrared rays warm the body from the inside out and maintain warmth without being affected by the surrounding temperature or wind.
  • The double wide radiation ensures sufficient radiation coverage despite its compact size.
  • Since it does not burn, it does not pollute the air.
  • A tip-over OFF switch is standard equipment.


  • For factories where it is difficult to air-condition the entire area.
  • For large spaces where wind blows or tends to sag.
Specifications in detail
Power supply (V): Three-phase 200
Power consumption (kW) (50/60Hz): 4.5
Body dimensions (mm) Width: 680
Body dimensions (mm) Depth: 365
Body dimensions (mm) Height: 1030
Plug: None
Power cord part number: A-PC405A, A-PC410A
Standard power consumption charge (50Hz): 72 yen/h
Standard power consumption charge (60Hz): 72 yen/h
Summary: Main unit ERK15NNV x 3 + stand YVC3N
Type: 3 lights


DAIKIN Việt Nam | Daikin Far Infrared Ceramheat (Floor Stand Slim/Triple) No Power Cord Far Infrared Heater MW7764014

Thương hiệu: DAIKIN
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Features: Far infrared rays warm the body from the inside out and maintain warmth without being affected by the surrounding temperature or wind.The double wide radiation ensures sufficient radiation coverage despite its compact size.Since it does not burn, it does not pollute the air.A tip-over OFF switch is standard equipment.
Applications: For factories where it is difficult to air-condition the entire area.For large spaces where wind blows or tends to sag.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • Far infrared rays warm the body from the inside out and maintain warmth without being affected by the surrounding temperature or wind.
  • The double wide radiation ensures sufficient radiation coverage despite its compact size.
  • Since it does not burn, it does not pollute the air.
  • A tip-over OFF switch is standard equipment.


  • For factories where it is difficult to air-condition the entire area.
  • For large spaces where wind blows or tends to sag.
Specifications in detail
Power supply (V): Three-phase 200
Power consumption (kW) (50/60Hz): 4.5
Body dimensions (mm) Width: 680
Body dimensions (mm) Depth: 365
Body dimensions (mm) Height: 1030
Plug: None
Power cord part number: A-PC405A, A-PC410A
Standard power consumption charge (50Hz): 72 yen/h
Standard power consumption charge (60Hz): 72 yen/h
Summary: Main unit ERK15NNV x 3 + stand YVC3N
Type: 3 lights


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