CUSTOM AM-01U | CUSTOM Việt Nam | HTGoods
Bạn cần giúp đỡ? Hãy gọi: 1900 98 68 25 hoặc

Thông tin sản phẩm

Measurement items: Wind speed, temperature
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Width x Depth x Height: Approx. 50 x 20.6 x 129.2 mm
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.1
Power supply (V): 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Sampling: Approximately 1 time/second
Operating temperature and humidity: 0 to +50°C, 70% RH or less (but no condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity: -20 to +60°C, 80% RH or less (but no condensation)
Measurement temperature range (℃): -10 to +50
Measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20


CUSTOM Việt Nam | CUSTOM Digital Anemometer (Wind Speed/Temperature) MW4492048

Thương hiệu: CUSTOM
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Đặc tính
  • A digital anemometer with a sleek, compact design based on piano black.
  • Dual display of wind speed and ambient temperature.
  • Comes with a function to measure perceived temperature (wind chill).
  • Equipped with maximum, minimum and average value functions.
  • Xem thêm

Thông tin sản phẩm

Measurement items: Wind speed, temperature
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Width x Depth x Height: Approx. 50 x 20.6 x 129.2 mm
Wind speed measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20
Resolution (m/s): 0.1
Power supply (V): 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Power supply: 2 AAA batteries (sold separately)
Sampling: Approximately 1 time/second
Operating temperature and humidity: 0 to +50°C, 70% RH or less (but no condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity: -20 to +60°C, 80% RH or less (but no condensation)
Measurement temperature range (℃): -10 to +50
Measurement range (m/s): 0.4 to 20


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