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HTGoods | Bộ dụng cụ tổng hợp
Bộ dụng cụ bảo dưỡng và tháo lắp phanh BGS - # 1818
Thông tin sản phẩm
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Thông số cơ bản
brake spring pliers with movable claw for removing and installing of brake shoe springs
brake spring pliers for installing and removing the brake shoe recuperating spring, forged type
brake calliper brush for removal of brake dust and dirt from the brake callipers
brass brake calliper brush for cleaning of brake dust from aluminium brake callipers
special tool for brakes for installing and removing spring plates and the holding device of brake linings e.g. on VW, Seat, Skoda, Opel and Renault
brake calliper file, extra slim style, for removal of brake dust rust and dirt from the brake calliper
brake line flare nut wrench with enforced 6-pt. openings, straight hexagon slot, 10 x 11 mm
assembly tool for installing and removing the draw spring, e.g. on Mercedes-Benz, VW LT as of 1997
brake spring installer for pressure spring of the parking brake
brake cable spring pliers for the installation and removal hand brake cable
universal joint bit socket, 10 mm (3/8") drive, internal hexagon 10 mm
bit socket, length 110 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 6 mm
bit socket, length 100 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 7 mm
bit socket, length 80 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 8 mm
screwdriver, length 265 mm, cross slot drive PH3
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Bộ dụng cụ bảo dưỡng và tháo lắp phanh BGS - # 1818
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- Bộ dụng cụ chuyên dụng để bảo dưỡng và tháp lắp phanh gồm 15 chi tiết
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Thông tin sản phẩm
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Thông số cơ bản
brake spring pliers with movable claw for removing and installing of brake shoe springs
brake spring pliers for installing and removing the brake shoe recuperating spring, forged type
brake calliper brush for removal of brake dust and dirt from the brake callipers
brass brake calliper brush for cleaning of brake dust from aluminium brake callipers
special tool for brakes for installing and removing spring plates and the holding device of brake linings e.g. on VW, Seat, Skoda, Opel and Renault
brake calliper file, extra slim style, for removal of brake dust rust and dirt from the brake calliper
brake line flare nut wrench with enforced 6-pt. openings, straight hexagon slot, 10 x 11 mm
assembly tool for installing and removing the draw spring, e.g. on Mercedes-Benz, VW LT as of 1997
brake spring installer for pressure spring of the parking brake
brake cable spring pliers for the installation and removal hand brake cable
universal joint bit socket, 10 mm (3/8") drive, internal hexagon 10 mm
bit socket, length 110 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 6 mm
bit socket, length 100 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 7 mm
bit socket, length 80 mm, 12.5 mm (1/2“) drive, internal hexagon 8 mm
screwdriver, length 265 mm, cross slot drive PH3
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