BAHCO 2101S-140 | BAHCO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Despite its small head, it offers the same workability as a larger size.
  • For electrical work, etc.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
Compliant with European standard EN60900
Cutting capacity (mm) Hard wire: 1.80
Cutting capacity (mm) Soft wire: 0.5
Total length (mm): 140

BAHCO 2101S-140

BAHCO Việt Nam | BAHCO Insulated Nippers, 1000V Heavy Duty, Cutting Capacity: Hard Wire 1.80mm, Soft Wire 0.5mm MW1697315

Thương hiệu: BAHCO
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Despite its small head, it offers the same workability as a larger size.
For electrical work, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • Despite its small head, it offers the same workability as a larger size.
  • For electrical work, etc.
Specifications in detail
1000V insulation specification
Compliant with European standard EN60900
Cutting capacity (mm) Hard wire: 1.80
Cutting capacity (mm) Soft wire: 0.5
Total length (mm): 140

BAHCO 2101S-140

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