BAHCO B220.005 | BAHCO Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has an insulation specification that supports up to 1000V.
  • This is a new concept product that fits in your hand and in your tool bag.
Specifications in detail
VDE standard compliant product
Set contents: (-) 3.0 x 100, (-) 4.0 x 100, (-) 5.5 x 125, (+) No. 1, (+) No. 2
Set contents (books): 5

BAHCO B220.005

BAHCO Việt Nam | BAHCO FIT insulated screwdriver set of 5 MW8370135

Thương hiệu: BAHCO
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It has an insulation specification that supports up to 1000V. This is a new concept product that fits in your hand and in your tool bag.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • It has an insulation specification that supports up to 1000V.
  • This is a new concept product that fits in your hand and in your tool bag.
Specifications in detail
VDE standard compliant product
Set contents: (-) 3.0 x 100, (-) 4.0 x 100, (-) 5.5 x 125, (+) No. 1, (+) No. 2
Set contents (books): 5

BAHCO B220.005

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