3M FR 426U 320A 75 | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a linerless adhesive paper roll that uses silicon carbide abrasive grains.
  • It is economical because it can be cut to the required length.
  • Simply attach it to a commercially available orbital sander.
  • For manual and orbital sanders.
  • For grinding putty, roughening surfaces, and various types of sanding paper.
Specifications in detail
Granularity(#): 320

3M FR 426U 320A 75

3M Việt Nam | 3M Stickit Finishing Roll 426U #320 75mm x 40m MW3545377

Thương hiệu: 3M
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This is a linerless adhesive paper roll that uses silicon carbide abrasive grains. It is economical because it can be cut to the required length. Simply attach it to a commercially available orbital sander.
For manual and orbital sanders. For grinding putty, roughening surfaces, and various types of sanding paper.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a linerless adhesive paper roll that uses silicon carbide abrasive grains.
  • It is economical because it can be cut to the required length.
  • Simply attach it to a commercially available orbital sander.
  • For manual and orbital sanders.
  • For grinding putty, roughening surfaces, and various types of sanding paper.
Specifications in detail
Granularity(#): 320

3M FR 426U 320A 75

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