3M A/SOFT SHT 800R | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By aligning the height of the abrasive grains and arranging them closely together, we have achieved both uniform grinding marks that do not leave deep scratches and good cutting ability.
  • Using a highly durable urethane film as the base material, it is flexible, strong, and has excellent polishing properties.
  • A special anti-clogging agent makes it less likely to clog, and even if it does clog, it can be easily wiped off with a cloth.
  • For use in electrocoating new parts and applying primer (base paint) when repairing automobiles.
  • For manual sharpening (comes with special hand pad)
Specifications in detail
High density abrasive grain
Highly durable substrate
Anti-clogging structure
Granularity(#): 800
Color: Red


3M Việt Nam | 3M Soft Footing Sheet 130 x 170 mm #800 50 sheets MW1497513

Thương hiệu: 3M
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By aligning the height of the abrasive grains and arranging them closely together, we have achieved both uniform grinding marks that do not leave deep scratches and good cutting ability. Using a highly durable urethane film as the base material, it is flexible, strong, and has excellent polishing properties. A special anti-clogging agent makes it less likely to clog, and even if it does clog, it can be easily wiped off with a cloth.
For use in electrocoating new parts and applying primer (base paint) when repairing automobiles. For manual sharpening (comes with special h...
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By aligning the height of the abrasive grains and arranging them closely together, we have achieved both uniform grinding marks that do not leave deep scratches and good cutting ability.
  • Using a highly durable urethane film as the base material, it is flexible, strong, and has excellent polishing properties.
  • A special anti-clogging agent makes it less likely to clog, and even if it does clog, it can be easily wiped off with a cloth.
  • For use in electrocoating new parts and applying primer (base paint) when repairing automobiles.
  • For manual sharpening (comes with special hand pad)
Specifications in detail
High density abrasive grain
Highly durable substrate
Anti-clogging structure
Granularity(#): 800
Color: Red


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