3M 5566 | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a simple dust collector for clean sanding files.
Specifications in detail
Simple dust collector for files 5566 (5561 and 5562 included)
Set contents: Dust hose (5561), dust bag (5562)

3M 5566

3M Việt Nam | 3M Simple Dust Collector for File 5566 (Includes 5561 and 5562) MW1040480

Thương hiệu: 3M
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This is a simple dust collector for clean sanding files.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is a simple dust collector for clean sanding files.
Specifications in detail
Simple dust collector for files 5566 (5561 and 5562 included)
Set contents: Dust hose (5561), dust bag (5562)

3M 5566

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