3M 30803 | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is an abrasive (sheet type) that uses Trizact abrasive, which has abrasive grains bound with resin in a regular three-dimensional structure.
  • The mist sanding method involves lightly moistening the abrasive surface and painted surface with a spray bottle, and the three-dimensional structure is designed to allow the abrasive debris to be discharged through grooves along with the water.
  • It does not leave deep scratches and produces extremely consistent polishing marks, making it ideal for removing marks during polishing.
  • For removing marks when polishing.
Specifications in detail
HUKIT Trizact Finishing Sheet 70 x 140mm #8000
Granularity(#): 8000
Color: Gray

3M 30803

3M Việt Nam | 3M FUCKIT Trizact Finishing Sheet 70 x 140 mm #8000 MW2501324

Thương hiệu: 3M
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This is an abrasive (sheet type) that uses Trizact abrasive, which has abrasive grains bound with resin in a regular three-dimensional structure. The mist sanding method involves lightly moistening the abrasive surface and painted surface with a spray bottle, and the three-dimensional structure is designed to allow the abrasive debris to be discharged through grooves along with the water. It does not leave deep scratches and produces extremely consistent polishing marks, making it ideal for removing marks during polishing.
For removing marks when polishing.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This is an abrasive (sheet type) that uses Trizact abrasive, which has abrasive grains bound with resin in a regular three-dimensional structure.
  • The mist sanding method involves lightly moistening the abrasive surface and painted surface with a spray bottle, and the three-dimensional structure is designed to allow the abrasive debris to be discharged through grooves along with the water.
  • It does not leave deep scratches and produces extremely consistent polishing marks, making it ideal for removing marks during polishing.
  • For removing marks when polishing.
Specifications in detail
HUKIT Trizact Finishing Sheet 70 x 140mm #8000
Granularity(#): 8000
Color: Gray

3M 30803

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