3M K/SHT 426U 100A | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This sheet is designed specifically for dry grinding.
  • The free-cut surface (special treatment to prevent clogging) reduces clogging and provides excellent durability.
  • For polishing and sealing woodworking surfaces and painted surfaces, polishing surfacers, and polishing metal painted surfaces.
Specifications in detail
Granularity(#): 100
Number of packages (pieces): 1000

3M K/SHT 426U 100A

3M Việt Nam | 3M Dry Sanding Paper Sheet 426U #100 228X280mm MW3546349

Thương hiệu: 3M
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This sheet is designed specifically for dry grinding. The free-cut surface (special treatment to prevent clogging) reduces clogging and provides excellent durability.
For polishing and sealing woodworking surfaces and painted surfaces, polishing surfacers, and polishing metal painted surfaces.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • This sheet is designed specifically for dry grinding.
  • The free-cut surface (special treatment to prevent clogging) reduces clogging and provides excellent durability.
  • For polishing and sealing woodworking surfaces and painted surfaces, polishing surfacers, and polishing metal painted surfaces.
Specifications in detail
Granularity(#): 100
Number of packages (pieces): 1000

3M K/SHT 426U 100A

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