3M 5218S AAD | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By using extremely thin mechanical fasteners and precision aluminum plates to minimize the cushioning of the abrasive surface, we have achieved a high level of surface precision approaching that of adhesive abrasives.
  • When combined with the Simple Dust Collector for Dust Collection Files 5566, it effectively collects abrasive dust.
  • For surface preparation in automobile repairs, etc.
Specifications in detail
For one-touch
For Cubitron II Clean Sanding Sheet Roll, Hookitt Blue Clean Sanding Sheet Roll
Length (mm): 72

3M 5218S AAD

3M Việt Nam | 3M Clean Sanding File 5218S MW1163706

Thương hiệu: 3M
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By using extremely thin mechanical fasteners and precision aluminum plates to minimize the cushioning of the abrasive surface, we have achieved a high level of surface precision approaching that of adhesive abrasives. When combined with the Simple Dust Collector for Dust Collection Files 5566, it effectively collects abrasive dust.
For surface preparation in automobile repairs, etc.
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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • By using extremely thin mechanical fasteners and precision aluminum plates to minimize the cushioning of the abrasive surface, we have achieved a high level of surface precision approaching that of adhesive abrasives.
  • When combined with the Simple Dust Collector for Dust Collection Files 5566, it effectively collects abrasive dust.
  • For surface preparation in automobile repairs, etc.
Specifications in detail
For one-touch
For Cubitron II Clean Sanding Sheet Roll, Hookitt Blue Clean Sanding Sheet Roll
Length (mm): 72

3M 5218S AAD

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