3M TK-6D | 3M Việt Nam | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a small, lightweight detection device that makes line detection easy and accurate.
  • It is extremely effective for repairing electrical system failures, as well as expanding or relocating the system.
  • It allows one person to search for circuits and breakers in distribution boards while the lines are live, without having to turn the power on and off.
  • Equipped with a noise cut function to prevent false detection caused by noise.


  • Inspection of electrical wiring in buildings, factories, etc.
  • Circuit exploration of buried cables.
Specifications in detail
Operating temperature range: -10 to 40°C
Power supply (V): 1 stacked 9V dry battery (included) (receiver)
DC voltage (V): DC12 to 528
AC voltage (V): 12 to 528 (AC50/60Hz)
Power supply: 1 stacked 9V dry battery (included) (receiver)
Receiver width (mm): 51
Receiver depth (mm): 33
Receiver height (mm): 193
Transmitter width (mm): 82
Transmitter depth (mm): 30
Transmitter height (mm): 112
Clamp sensor width (mm): 60
Clamp sensor depth (mm): 26
Clamp sensor height (mm): 100

3M TK-6D

3M Việt Nam | 3M Circuit Tracer TK-6D 3M(TM) Circuit Tracer MW4107161

Thương hiệu: 3M
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Features: This is a small, lightweight detection device that makes line detection easy and accurate.It is extremely effective for repairing electrical system failures, as well as expanding or relocating the system.It allows one person to search for circuits and breakers in distribution boards while the lines are live, without having to turn the power on and off.Equipped with a noise cut function to prevent false detection caused by noise.
Applications: Inspection of electrical wiring in buildings, factories, etc.Circuit exploration of buried cables.
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Thông tin sản phẩm


  • This is a small, lightweight detection device that makes line detection easy and accurate.
  • It is extremely effective for repairing electrical system failures, as well as expanding or relocating the system.
  • It allows one person to search for circuits and breakers in distribution boards while the lines are live, without having to turn the power on and off.
  • Equipped with a noise cut function to prevent false detection caused by noise.


  • Inspection of electrical wiring in buildings, factories, etc.
  • Circuit exploration of buried cables.
Specifications in detail
Operating temperature range: -10 to 40°C
Power supply (V): 1 stacked 9V dry battery (included) (receiver)
DC voltage (V): DC12 to 528
AC voltage (V): 12 to 528 (AC50/60Hz)
Power supply: 1 stacked 9V dry battery (included) (receiver)
Receiver width (mm): 51
Receiver depth (mm): 33
Receiver height (mm): 193
Transmitter width (mm): 82
Transmitter depth (mm): 30
Transmitter height (mm): 112
Clamp sensor width (mm): 60
Clamp sensor depth (mm): 26
Clamp sensor height (mm): 100

3M TK-6D

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